Services at GITS.ID
We provide you solutions to make your day to day works even more efficient and make your company business even better
Marvelous company for talent and to build impactful solutions for clients​
Our services include mobile applications development, websites development, applications audit, discovery & co-creation, and more. Our solutions are crafted to help your company or business grow even more. Our clients are government, enterprises, overseas and multinational companies.
Digital Consultancy
We can help finding what problems your app have or guiding you to start to have the best solution app for your company & your customer.
Application Modernization
Modernize your app to be scalable, easy to be maintained, and be enriched.
Cloud Managed Service
Secure your data and enable fast processing on application, to reduce cost and improve operational efficiency
Data and Machine Learning
We help on enable you to take better decisions based on your data. Have it managed and generate insights from it. And with Machine Learning,
your system will be able to fit for what the future holds.
Digital Workspace
Elevate the way your team collaborate in creation and have the most for their works, by strive the best for future of work with digital workspace.
Do you have a new project?
Come tell us what you need! Fill out this form and our solution team will response to your email by maximum of 1×24 workday.
Head Office
Summarecon Bandung, Jl. Magna Timur No.106, Bandung, 40296
Whatsapp (chat only)
North America
Branch Office
166 Geary Str STE 1500 #1368, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States