Flutter for Application Development
Build applications with us or let us manage and improve your application, with Flutter
Flutter for Multi-Platform Application, on Android; iOS; & Desktop
adaptive design for any screen
performance on any device
Flutter for Multi-Platform
- Modernisasi infrastruktur / infrastructure modernization
- Manajemen data / data management
- Modernisasi aplikasi / application modernization
- Analisis yang pintar / smart analytics
- Kecerdasan buatan / artificial intelligence
Flutter is for Flexibility and Faster Development
Development with Flutter is flexible, single code for multi-platform. Fit for mobile Android, mobile iOS, desktop, embedded, or website. The design will be responsive and great at any screens. With Flutter framework, the application development is making the applications can be delivered faster.
Our portfolio using Flutter framework
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Dena Meidina
Flutter Developer
Flutter framework is easy to use and make everything faster. It is good from the process of development (single code for multi-platform or for several devices), also the look of the applications are nice and neat.
GITS.ID, System Integrator Including with Flutter
GITS.ID is System Integrator (SI) for many technologies to transform digital system of our clients. We also have experience in developing mobile applications with Flutter framework. If you already have the application, we also can continue or revamp with to a better version.
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166 Geary Str STE 1500 #1368, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States