Low Code Development
Revolutionize your software by low code. Cost effective and fast delivery.
Build Powerful App without Much Time and Easily Maintained
Fast Delivery
development with low code only needs 70% time of manual coding
Cost Effective
the short development time makes it also cheaper by cost
Turn Your Business Ideas into Apps Faster with Our Low Code Expertise
- Faster Developement - Reduce development time by up to 70% compared to traditional coding
- Scalable and secure - Our platform is built for enterprise-grade security and scalability
- Top-notch, personalized app tailored to your specific needs
- Stunning visuals and easy to customize every aspect of the app
- Integration with database, third-party API, and RESTful backend
- Responsive apps that fit every device size
Build Adaptable Apps that Grow with Your Business
The business landscape is constantly evolving. Low code development that we initiate for you, allows you to update the apps because they are easily scalable and adaptable. New features and functionalities can be added quickly, ensuring your app remains competitive and relevant as your business needs change.
No need to wait for months to have your app ready and launched. With our solution, we can build and deliver app to optimize your internal or elevate your business, quickly.
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Arif Rahman
Low Code Developer
Low code enables us to build the app for clients very quickly. It also makes our clients maintain it easily later on.
GITS.ID, Builder for Smart App with Low Code
GITS.ID team is not just expert in building the app with traditional code, but also low code. Low code allows us to create app and still powerful, using only half of the time (or even more quick) that we are needed in building other app. Low code also allows you or your team to update it by yourselves without the help from us later on.
Now, we are an official FlutterFlow partner agency who can help build and deliver your app fast.
Contact us now to discuss about it.
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Head Office
Summarecon Bandung, Jl. Magna Timur No.106, Bandung, 40294
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Branch Office
166 Geary Str STE 1500 #1368, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States