Our e-commerce platform makes you closer with your consumer, more than via marketplace.
Get stock information in real-time. Notified when it is getting low.
Know what your consumers like, and everything to elevate the revenue.
Having your own e-commerce without spend cost for marketplace fee.
Create campaign, generate promotion, and everything for your customer, easily
Integrate your e-commerce with your offline store. Experience seamless omnichannel, good for you, great for your consumers.
Fully understand your consumers behavior in your e-commerce app. Get report, analyze, elevate.
Manage your inventory, promotion, delivery process, even payment, easily and in most benefitted choices.
Generate the report of your customers behavior on your commerce. Deliver the best for them.
Keep engage with your consumers personally.
Carte Apps
“It increases our work efficiency and becomes the most reliable finance information at our company.”
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Those who use our multi merchant platform
Summarecon Bandung
Jl. Magna Timur No.106 Bandung 40294
[email protected]
166 Geary Str STE 1500 #1368
San Francisco, CA 94108
United States