How Retail DevOps Capture and Retain Customers with Data Analytics

  • Gambaran / Penjelasan mengenai DevOps
  • Cara mengadopsi model DevOps,meluncurkan%20pembaruannya%20dengan%20lebih%20cepat.
  •  Bagaimana DevOps Dapat Menambah Nilai Bisnis Anda?
  • Keunggulan transformatif dari penggunaan DevOps di Ritel
  • Layanan yang ditawarkan DevOps untuk bisnis ritel
  • Bagaimana bisnis mendapatkan keuntungan dari DevOps?
  • Bagaimana layanan DevOps cocok dengan industri ritel?
  • Cara DevOps mempertahankan pelanggan
  • Mencapai kepuasan pelanggan dengan DevOps
  • How do analyze data in Google Cloud?

How Retail DevOps Capture and
Retain Customers with Data Analytics


Dinia Pratiwi

Technical Engineer GCP


Yudha Chandra P.

Sales GCP Supervisor

The new focus for Data Analytics & digital transformation is on the fields of business & strategic planning / forecasting.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023 | 1.00 PM (WIB)

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Event Rundown

13.00 - 13.05
Video playing
Video profile
13.00 - 13.05
13.05 - 13.15
Opening by Moderator
Greeting and introduction to and GITS Tech Talks. What to expect during sessions and intro to speakers
13.05 - 13.15
13.15 - 13.35
Sharing by speakers
13.15 - 13.35
13.35 - 13.45
Promotion: FREE Migration to GCP
Bundling solution: After Migration get free Training GCP Fundamental, free Voucher $500 and free migration
13.35 - 13.45
13.45 - 14.10
Q & A
Speaker answering questions from moderator and audience
13.45 - 14.10
14.10 - 14.15
Closing remarks by moderator
14.10 - 14.15

What Will You Learn

The new focus for Data Analytics & digital transformation is on the fields of business & strategic planning / forecasting.

In this GITS Tech Talks “How Retail DevOps Capture and Retain Customers with Data Analytics with Dinia Pratiwi, Technical Engineer GCP at You will learn how to be best positioned for the digital transformation and how performance Data Analytics can already support you optimally here.

The transformative advantages of using DevOps in Retail

How DevOps can add value to your business?

Services that DevOps offers to retail business

How do analyze data in Google Cloud?