For Employee’s Credible Data – Kereta Api Indonesia

  • Portfolios
  • For Employee’s Credible Data – Kereta Api Indonesia

They get more credible data from employees through the application.

Kereta Api Indonesia would like to recommend GITS Indonesia to our colleagues.

Lysana Tustalila, Business Analyst, PT KAI


It was hard for employees who worked far from branch office to do attendance. It was also hard for management to check how accurate it was.


Dashoard Mobile Presensi KAI
Dashboard Mobile Presensi KAI

GITS Indonesia with KAI provide a mobile application where employees can easily submit their attendances. With that application, management can also easily manage the information needed. We combine submission with face recognition or QR code and fetch the location. Further talk about it can be read at our Insight page at .


Every part in KAI experiences convenience for their day to day work. The attendance data is more accurate and reliable as well.

Find out more about this portfolio at client’s case study here


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