New Way to Learn Al-Quran – Muslimlife Mobile Application

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  • New Way to Learn Al-Quran – Muslimlife Mobile Application

Helps on Learn Al-Quran Quickly and Makes It Easier to Do Good Deeds.

Bisa tahu arah kiblat dan jam sholatnya.

Agus Sutopo, pengguna aplikasi Muslimlife

This is amazing simple apps, but entertaining. Besides Klink Al-Fatihah, it also has cartoon videos with premium content for kids.

Imam Nur Azis, pengguna aplikasi Muslimlife

Terima kasih sudah memudahkan saya memiliki anak asuh Hafiz Qur’an.

Hani Buntari, pengguna aplikasi Muslimlife


In some time and situations, learning through online is really needed and comes for a great help. E-learning nowadays can make studying process easier and faster. This activity is also can cover many topics, including learning Al-Quran.


Muslimlife mobile application that is available in Android and iOS is developed in many features and using some technologies. It has Jadwal Sholat and Arah Kiblat which are using GPS and other APIs. It also has Asuh Hafiz, Zakat, and other donations, which work together with some secure and practical e payment. Muslimlife also has some features that are using videos or live streaming as an e learning media. All in all, the mobile application covers wide range of features to help Muslim in many ways, using some great technologies.


Muslimlife mobile application in Android application and iOS application, has been downloaded about 1 million times. It receives positive reviews from Indonesian users. The e learning part has also been reproduced to be an e learning application in a small area to help teachers and students during pandemic.

Find out more about this portfolio at client’s case study here


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