In 1995, Peter Senge coined the term of a Learning Organization. He defines it as a company that facilitates learning of its employees and continuously transforms itself. It is a key for company to adapt to a far more complex market situation.
Fast-forwards to now. In times of digital transformation that happen in most companies, a Learning Organization can also be the difference that stands out from other companies. It is important that Company Leadership needs to work on “organizational learning”, so employees as a whole can quickly adapt and thrive with new situations. Like in this COVID-19 for example.
On this webinar GITS Expert Talks with
Slamet Hendry
IT Director in Global FMCG Company,
we will share some interesting insights on:
- Determine if your company is a Learning Organization?
- Understand the building blocks of a learning organization
- Guides to be a Learning Organization
This webinar is suitable for:
- Business Leader and owner
- IT Professional
- IT & Management Students
Wednesday, 30 September 2020, from 07.30 PM.
Register yourself now through this form!
Note: Link for webinar will be sent to your email.
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