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The new focus for Machine Learning (ML) & digital transformation is on the fields of business & strategic planning / forecasting.
In this GITS Tech Talks “Empowering The Future Indonesia Through Cloud Technology: Machine Learning in Business & Strategic Planning, with Andry Alamsyah, Presiden Asosiasi Ilmuwan Data Indonesia (AIDI), Associate Professor of Telkom University and Tiffany Adriana, Customer Solutions Consultant, Data Analytics at Google. You will learn how to be best positioned for the digital transformation and how Performance AI / Machine Learning can already support you optimally here.
Join us to learn more about:
AI/ML Business Case in Metaverse
- Data and Element in Metaverse
- ML Use Cases: technology and implementation
Machine Learning in GCP
- Challenges faced by ML practitioners.
- Different Ways of using Machine Learning on GCP.
- Use Cases and Implementation of ML on GCP.
Time and date: July 19, 2022 at 01.00 PM (WIB)
This is a free webinar.
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