The success of a project depends on several factors such as stakeholders involvement, target, timeline and availability of resources.
In this edition of GITS Expert Talks, we would like to discuss factors that typically are critical for project success and how to manage them with Batari Saraswati, Head of Corporate Planning PT Surya Semesta Internusa, Tbk.
The talks will cover interesting insights on:
• Determining critical success factors will give organization/company a competitive edge and is the bottom line of success in fulfilling the responsibility of a project management companies.
• How to manage project schedules/plans, client acceptance, monitoring and feedback, communication, trouble-shooting, and characteristics of the project team leader?
•What we have to be is a team that is on a journey of continuous improvement together.
This webinar is suitable for:
• Business Leader and owner
• IT Professional
• IT & Management Students
Mark the date:
Thursday, 17 December 2020
07.30 PM – 09.00 PM
Register yourself through this form below. Get great insight and it is free!
Note: Link to the webinar will be sent to your email.
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