Now Bahana is rest assured that their data is safe
Find out Bahana TCW Investment Management’s Success Story with Google Cloud.
The server migration process is fast and smooth. If there is any incident happen, their data can be recovered quickly.
As a trusted Google Cloud partner, GITS.ID helps companies to get the most from Google Cloud. Like Manager from ICT & System Development at Bahana said, they felt really helped by us because we understand the tech side well, fast respond, and give awesome recommendations. They have a safe migration and now their data is also safe from incidents. Furthermore, they like it that the server is “close” to them, which is in Indonesia.
Download success story from our customer; PT Bahana TCW Investment Management, since they are migrating and using Google Cloud. Learn how it can help you too.
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If you have any question regarding Google Workspace or other products and how it can help you optimized, you can talk to us here.
Read Bahana’s Success Story