COVID-19 pandemic affects all around the world. From people who have to be home do their studies or works, to temporal close of public places, and hard time for businesses. This effect is felt in almost every aspects of people lives, in Indonesia and across world. There are recommendations in many forms that we cannot gather with many people and keep our distance. These things lead people to turn into digital so their daily activities can be run closer to how they usually run before this pandemic.
It becomes something that cannot be avoided, to have digital transformation, for school; work place; and other businesses. Companies who are ahead and great in their digital transformation, will lead the business.
In what parts that digital transformations are pushing us to be implemented at?
Table of Contents
ToggleLearning from Home
Schools are in “holiday” and students are encouraged to learn from home. Teachers are using online media to teach and give assignments. Learning through online platforms, courses, or classes, are becoming what people should do too. There are many companies that are already provided these learning from home things, like Googlethrough Google Classroom. GITS Indonesia’s subsidiary with training specialty, Eudekaalso provides online classes. Other than that, GITS Indonesia and Eudeka become trainers at online course program for government, which is Prakerja.
Working from Home
With many recommendations or regulation to stay at home, some companies close their buildings and send their employees to work from home. Besides whether the workers are ready or not, the question for the company is the same; are companies ready for this? Do your companies already have platforms to make work from home is possible?
It might be from the attendance submission, data centralization, collaboration place, and many else. These big helpful features can support work from home the employees and help company as well. These features can be found somewhere through free sites. But, mostly are not enough to support work.
So, there is also an option to have all the helpful smart features in one application that your whole company can use. This kind of application usually called enterpriseapplication (for internal). Another good thing is, you can have it as custom as what your company needs. GITS Indonesia is experienced in developing some internal application for enterprises, like for Toyota and Kereta Api Indonesia.
During pandemic like this, people are perhaps more aware to their health. When they feel unhealthy, they want to know what the pra-diagnose of them. One of the way to know it is by visiting doctor. But, many thoughts are put here. First, in pandemic, people who are not really sick should still stay away from hospital instead since it is a “dangerous” area. Also, people should stay at home so the hospital is not full by people who are actually not really need the hospital at that time.
So, telehealth becomes a big help right now. Telehealth means people can ask the doctor according their health via online. It usually come in forum or chatting form. GITS Indonesia is experienced in developing mobile applications on telehealth. The example is eNutri, for midwives across Indonesia. Another example is nuVet, a telehealth for live stocks diseases.
Online Marketplace
One of the most affected by COVID-19 pandemic and should be in digital transformation real soon is if you have business to consumer industry. If you have products that you sell to consumers, than your company is in this category. Digital transformation is really needed for your business development. One of the way is to have an online market place for your products. With having your own e-commerce, you can mange the products, from the price to where they are sent to, with your own way. You would not be depended to other “general” e-commerce.
GITS Indonesia is experienced developing mobile application and website for e-commerce for our clients. They are such as Ai Otsuka, SGM Danone, and more.
That is it. digital transformation is needed, right now, for your company. Read more about digital transformation in specific industry here.